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To Tweet, Or Not To Tweet? The Rules For Business On Twitter

Do you have a Twitter account for your company? If not, perhaps it’s time. Twitter is the #2 Social Media platform behind only Facebook. It has nearly 650 million users and is ...

Five Innovative Ways to Make an Impact at a Trade Show

Trade shows are one of those particular things that are hard for companies to get right. You know you’ve got to do them, but most companies are content to recycle their same ...

How New Sustainable Technology Helps Cut Your Light Bill

Technology is a wonder. In today’s world, there are a staggering array of “green” devices and techs you can use to dramatically reduce your company’s energy bills. In fact, if your state ...

Three Surprisingly Good Negotiation Strategies

Negotiation is more art than science, but it is an art that anyone can learn. Most people go into a negotiation with a firm idea of what they want, and a laundry ...

Mobile App Advertising: Is it Right For Your Company?

Given the surging popularity of mobile devices, the short answer to the question posed by the title of this piece is “yes.” Yes, it’s right for your company because increasingly, that’s where ...

Five Ways To Make Your Reception Area Really Welcoming

Nobody likes to be kept waiting, but sometimes it happens. One way you can ease the pain of having to wait is to make your waiting and reception area come to life ...

Giving Customers Either/Or Choices – A Tried And True Way To Build Sales

Marketers are intensely clever individuals. They’re always coming up with ways to get people to spend money, even when there might be some reluctance to do so. You’ve seen most, if not ...

Does An Office Dress Code Improve Business Performance?

It’s an interesting question, and one that managers everywhere would love a definitive answer to, because that’s an easy fix. If all it takes to improve performance is a shirt and tie, ...


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